"I know, I should have a Will, someday I will call you when I am ready for one".  Oh really! I see, you know when that time is going to come . . . okay! How about letting me on your secret. The fact is that no one knows, the only question should be, do you have will? In which the answer should be . . . yes!  How many times I have heard that line?  Yes, some do, and many don't!  If you care about your loved ones . . . or for that matter, if you don't want your blood line to inherit, then express your intentions through a legal document known as a "Last Will and Testament". If you have remarried and have children from another marriage, they may be left out, if you do not have a will to protect their interest. And If you are in business, this should be an important step as well.  Call to our office today . . . don't put this off!   The fees are reasonable and it is money well spent. 

Last Will and Testament directs how your estate is to be distributed and to whom.  Married couples can draft a Husband and Wife Will, leaving or directing the others interest to go to the survivor of them.

Living Trust Unlike a Will where the estate is distributed in accordance with provisions in the instrument, a Trust continues on. In essence you control the assets of the estate beyond the grave.

Testamentary Trust is done when there are minor children; in this case a Will is drafted and "pour over provisions" has certain asset go into a trust as directed by the last will and testament.

Power of Attorney for Health Decisions allows you affairs to be handled in the even you are incapacitated and cannot handle your affairs both personal and for business.

Living Will is a document by which your affairs regarding the condition of your health, direct medical personnel to follow your wishes. It usually include whether you want to donate organs after death.

"By the street of by-and-by, one arrives at the house of never." Miguel de Cervantes


Phone: 203-809-6865
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The Few-The Proud-The Marines