When I decided to become a lawyer, it never occurred to me that I was also on a path to becoming "bi-professional," having had culinary talents from an early age, it just never was something that I thought of doing on a professional level. After the Marine Corps, it was  followed by four years of college and then another three in law school, it was hard to imagine me doing anything else but practice law. While my legal talents became more pronounced, so did my culinary talents.  However, somewhere along the way, I began to waiver in my desires to practice law and began moving on a parallel course between law, and the culinary arts.

       As time moved forward, the clashes became hard to understand, why one and not the other, so I decided to spend time behind a stove in a restaurant along with time in the courtroom. Those who know me can tell you that I march to my drummer and occasionally can wander off the reservation. For awhile I left the reservation and became solely involved with food enterprises. When I did finally come back to the law, it was with a different perspective, but still, the love of the culinary arts lingered; the allure of food, similar to, and erotic as another pervasive need was prominent in my everyday life.

      Then one day an epiphany occurred; I finally came to realize that I had to accept the fact that I was indeed "bi" ..., bi-professional" that is. Therefore, there was no need to hide it anymore, I finally came out of the pantry and declared it to the world.  It wasn't easy to accept the fact that I am muti-talented (something most could not be), proficient in both, so why not do both, a balancing act but nonetheless it is what I yearn for. . . Challenges! After all, I am a Marine and ever since that day of stepping off the bus at Parris Island, South Carolina, I have never been afraid of a challenge and never let one discourage or defeat me.  As Theodore Roosevelt once said, "the credit belongs to the doer of deeds," regardless if he fails, because he was bold enough to step into the arena.

       So here I am in my law office writing this description of myself, while I peer out into the other room and look at all the items the Gourmet products being readied for our website
www.italianfoodstore.com.  And of course of our sauce company, Anna's Simply Gourmet, is named in honor of the professional chef who taught me what I needed to know about the art of Italian cooking, my Mother! We have an array of fine imported and domestic products just waiting for you to purchase and enjoy!

       And while I am proud of all my accomplishments, the one, however, that I am the proudest of is earning the title of United States Marine, where you learn that failure is not an option, nor a word used in the vocabulary of the Corps. You learn from mistakes, and you get up and overcome the challenges or obstacles put in front of you. Therefore, I must include in this bio, my thoughts, and prayers to those who never had the chance to succeed or fail; they did their duty to an ungrateful government, died not for it, but for their buddies, and shall never be forgotten at least by me!

My most recent article "The Witches of Benevento" can be found by clicking on the title.


Phone: 203-809-6865
Lifetime Member
The Few-The Proud-The Marines